Hello my forever faithful Funner followers, I have not posted a quality post in quite a while, mainly due to the many hours of my day that are filled with school. I will try to post about my life more often, but I still hope you enjoyed the papers I put up.The past month this has been my schedule: Clean, School, School, Ramp practice, church, school, school, school...
I am starting a new blog simply for my papers, and possibly other fun, fiction or non fiction papers. hopefully it will be up by next week. In other news, I am now a staff writer for the Girls for God Blog.
So you should check that out as well.
I also would like to start up an Etsy by the end of the month. This will help pay for Christmas gifts for my family and friends.
The only other news I have is, *drumroll please* a GIVEAWAY!!!!!
Oh yes, I am going to have a giveaway very very soon, that is, if I get enough followers. If I can get 30 followers, I will have a giveaway :) What will it be? I am not telling, until I have 30 followers ;)
Hope to see you all soon, and happy Sadie Hawkins day(this is true)
God Bless!
Libbi Hartwig
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