This book had some high and low points, one of the highs being the time when her family to a 3 year family cruise. Just them,the Amazing Grace ( their boat) and the long rolling waves of ocean. They sailed around Mexico for three years, lingering at the ports they liked the most. One of the low points of the books was when Abby asked God how long He had been planning her mast breakdown. Not cool. I also did not enjoy the pride laced throughout the book. Granted, she deserves to have a little pride in what she accomplished, but in this sort of a book, it is hard not to sound prideful even if you're not. I think the book was interesting, but I believe it would've been better had it come out 10 years from now. Overall, I think this book was an interesting book about a courageous 16 year old, and I believe it is a good read for anyone who has sailed before.
P.S. Booksneeze gave me a free copy of this book to review, honestly and in all truthfulness.
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