December 20, 2010

Interview and.........Giveaway!!!!

Hello you lovely people! I had the oppurtunity to interview Camille fr Forever Feminine, (Formerly The Undercover Blonde's Guide to Style) She was a lot of fun! Here is the interview :)

~ Hi Camille! How are you?
Hi Libbi! I'm doing pretty good. :) My family has had a pretty busy few weeks, so I am somewhat worn out! This week is going to be much more laid back tho, and I am looking forward to this! :)
~ What is the focus/purpose of your blog, Forever Feminine?
The main purpose of my blog, is to glorify my Savior and bring glory to His name. I want people to see His love through me and my blog, and encourage others in their walk with Christ. :)

~ What is your favorite color?
Pink. :) No question there.

~ Does your family have any Christmas traditions?
Yes! Every year we really try to focus on the birth of Jesus, Vs. the presents and Santa Claus. We have a big birthday party for Jesus with cake and cookies, and read the Christmas story. :) It's awesome.

~ Do you like vintage shoes :)?
YES! This is one of my biggest obessesions! Hahaha! Run over to my blog and check out the sidebar. :) LOL!

~ If you could make a new law in America, what would that law be?
Wow, Libbi, this is a good question! Haha! I think if I were going to make 1 law, I would make the murdering of helpless babies {i.e. abortion} completely illegal. :)
~ How are you using your blog for God's glory?
I am trying to encourage woman to seek God's counsil on how HE would like them to dress, and I am encouraging young ladies to remain pure {in mind, and body}, and stand up against our wordly, sinful, culture. I also have the gospel posted on my blog, so that people who don't know Christ can become saved.
~Do you know what you want to do for the future?
I know I want to serve my Lord. Whether this is through being a missionary, flute teacher, or nurse {I feel God leading me into 1 of those three options...I just am not quite sure which yet!}, my life belongs to Him. :)
~What is your favorite scripture?
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
-Proberbs 31:30

~If you could say one thing to the readers of this blog, what would it be?
Jesus loves you so much! If you would like know how to become saved, please email Libbi or I {or leave a comment, it won't be published!}. You will be *soooooooooooooo* glad you did!

~ White, Dark, or Milk chocolate?
Milk chocolate. Haha, Libbi, I laughed when I came to this question, because I'm actually eating chocolate at this very second! :) No kidding!
Thank you so much for this oppurtunity Camille!
And now, for the giveaway *squeal*
Bree from Cocorosecouture has agreed to sponsor a giveaway on my blog! Here is what is up for grabs: The Holiday Cheer Red Rosette Headband with Felt and Rhinestone Brooch
Isn't it Fabulous? Using, I will choose 1 winner, and they will recieve this beautiful headband! I am SERIOUSLY jealous of the winner :)
How to Enter: ( leave each entry in a seperate comment)
You must be a follower of The Funner Life, and head on over to Coco Rose Couture and let me know what your favorite item is ( without this, none of the other entries will count)
Extra Entries:
Follow Bree's Blog *1 entry
Add my button to your blog, and leave the link in a comment *1 entry
Folow Camille's blog *1 entry
Blog about this giveaway, and leave the link *2 Entries ( Leave two comments)
Tweet about this giveaway, and leave me the link *1 entry
Leave a post on Facebook aout this giveaway, along with the link *1 entry
Tell me you favorite scripture *1 entry
The giveaway will end on DECEMBER 24th, at 8 am GMT -7 so hurry and comment!


Anonymous said...

Okay, my fav item is this listing:

And I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

I follow Miss Bree's blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Your button is on my blog!

Anonymous said...

I blogged about this!

Anonymous said...

comment no. 2....for blogging about your giveaway. :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite scripture is Proverbs 31:30. :)

Angie S. said...

I like the Champagne Chiffon Rosette Bib Necklace! :)

Abby said...

I love this! I've done several interviews, and gotten interviewed several times, but I really should do more of these. (: They are so fun to read and it's a great way to learn about more *sweet* blogs! :D

God Bless,

Katie said...

I follow your blog! Btw love your blog's name! Hehehe! :) My favortie thing in her shop is the Vintage teal yo yo rosette clip. It is so beautiful! :)

Katie said...

I follow Bree's blog! :)

Katie said...

I added your button! :)

Katie said...

I follow Camille's blog! Acctually Camille is one of my bestest friends! I know her in person (out of the bloggy world :)!!! )

Katie said...

My favortie verse is 1 Cor 1:8! :)

Katie said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog ! 2 entrees! :) yay!!! I really like this headband! :)

Unknown said...

i fave:womens dupioni silk rosette headband in one of 16 color schemes
wulanseries at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I Folow Camille's blog too
GFC name:wulan sari
wulanseries at gmail dot com

Unknown said...!/wulanjog/status/17075123605475328

Unknown said...

Follow Bree's Blog
GFC name:wulan sari

Unknown said...!/permalink.php?story_fbid=120779481323347&id=100001519614397
FB share
Wulan Sari P

jhitomi said...

following this blog as jhb. I love the Dusty Purple Rosette Clip. Also the blooming Pink one. They are so pretty and feminine.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com

Vanessa said...

I'm a follower of the funner life! (:

Also, my favoooourite item is Silver and pink felt rosette clutch with pink feather and french netting as seen in the url below:

It's beautiful.(:

chocolates_smiles at hotmail dot com

Vanessa said...

I also followed Bree's blog which is


Vanessa said...

I also followed


Vanessa said...

I think my computer lagged and didn't psot my tweet. So here it is in case.

active mail: chocolates_smiles at hotmail dot com

Lynn said...

My favorite item is the Champagne Chiffon Rosette Bib Necklace!

Thanks! And I am now a new follower of your blog.


Lynn said...

I follow Bree's blog already. ; D

Lynn said...

I added your button to my blog. Thanks!

Lynn said...

I am a follower of Camille's Blog.

Lynn said...

My favorite scripture is on a wall hanging high above the french doors to the entrance of our kitchen. We LOVE it.

"Choose you this day whom ye will serve.....but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15

va said...

i like this purple clip

tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

va said...

gfc follower of bree .

tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

va said...

following camille's blog .

Unknown said...

Following your blog and I love Golden Antique rosette headband! Thank you for the chance!


Unknown said...

Following Bree's Blog!


Unknown said...

Folowing Camille's blog!


puffpastryshop said...

I follow you, and my favorite item is "
Jane Austin inspired rosette headband with doily and vintage buttons"

puffpastryshop said...

I follow Bree's blog

puffpastryshop said...

I follow Camille's blog

Anonymous said...

hello. lovely giveaway
love the rosette bib necklace
hope this is international
diarygirl at live dot com

Angie said...

I follow you...and love the White Winter Princess Headband!!

renieangie at gmail dot com

Kristen said...

I follow you! Now! :) And I love the womens dupioni silk rosette headband in the purple color scheme!

Katelyn said...

Follow via GFC!

Katelyn said...

I like this one!

Katelyn said...

Follow Bree's Blog!

Katelyn said...

Follow Camilles Blog!

Tiana Blanchard said...

My favorite item is

It there anything else I need to do to enter?

Lizzie said...

I'm a follower.
My favorite is the dupioni silk pink rosebud clip.

smrtmouse at yahoo dot com

Lizzie said...

Following Bree's blog.

smrtmouse at yahoo dot com

Lizzie said...

Following Camille's blog.

smrtmouse at yahoo dot com

Lizzie said...

Favorite Scripture - pretty much all of Philippians 4.

smrtmouse at yahoo dot com

Birgit said...

Following your blog through GFC !!
danaan at gmx dot at

Birgit said...

I adore this necklace !
danaan at gmx dot at

Taylor said...

I am a blog follower!
I so so adore the Jane Austin inspired rosette headband with doily & vintage buttons, super cute.

Unknown said...

Love this one!

And follower!

brittanykennedy1 said...

i follow via gfc - yellowdemon91
i like the Fuschia dupioni silk Rosette clip with rhinestone costume jewelry

Anna said...

Canary nest dupioni silk rosette headband in mustard yellow with feather----LOVE IT!

abh2786 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

I'm a new follower, and I love the Jane Austen inspired headband!
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Rachel C said...

Scripture today - Matthew 18:20 :)
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower of this blog!

I love the 'Robins Nest Silk rosette Headband in blue cream and grey'

So gorgeous!!

Thanks for the opportunity!


Anonymous said...

I am following Bree's blog


Anonymous said...

I am following Camille's blog.


Anonymous said...

I have posted this on facebook!!/permalink.php?story_fbid=179445998745686&id=589666045


Michelle said...

Following with Google Friend Connect.
Love the Vintage Summer Rosette yo yo headband!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Linda R. said...

I follow on GFC (Linda R) and my fave is the Black and White rosette headband with french netting and feathers inspired by the 1940's

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Linda R. said...

I follow Bree's Blog on GFC (Linda R)

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Linda R. said...

I follow Camille's blog on GFC (Linda R)

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Linda R. said...


lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Linda R. said...

shared on FB:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=166002783442428&id=100001489992883

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

I'm a follower of The Funner Life, and my favourite item from Coco Rose Couture are sunday brunch pink dupioni silk rosette headband with french netting and Pretty in Pink rosette Headband.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

Follow Bree's Blog

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

Folow Camille's blog

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

I tweeted:

aikychien at yahoo dot com