June 28, 2012

Book review: Days With Jesus Part 1 by Jim Jackson

Jesus was a true revolutionary. He was born in a barn, performed miracles, and proclaimed Himself to be the Son of God. He had a miraculous, adventurous, and extraordinary life.  Despite this, many do not know who Jesus was, what He did, and his life-story. In this 31 day docuvotional (a document/devotional) Jim Jackson shows the biblical context of the miracles that Jesus did, as well as the historical and geographical context. He shows what the book of John would have been like to a bystander, and with that, you are promptly whisked away to the first century.
I liked:
The historical facts. There were some very interesting facts written in the context of the story; some I had not known before, but they brought an entirely new perspective to the life of Jesus. I found it interest to read about some of the cultural taboos, such as running out of wine at a wedding ( the groom’s family could be sued!)
The humor. There were a few sections that I laughed aloud at Jim Jackson’s personal stories.
The layout. The book is perfect for a small group/ Bible study.
I disliked:
There was mention of God allowing/giving sickness. I have studied all the gospels and I cannot seem to find one instance where God punished someone for their sin by giving them sickness. Therefore, I very disagree with this doctrine.
While I think there were some interesting points made, I do not think this book is unique. There are many John commentaries out there. However, I loved the historical/cultural tidbits. Those alone made the book very special. I really enjoyed them. Overall, this is an easy to read commentary, and although I disagreed with the doctrine, I doubt I could read any commentary without disagreeing a little bit!For only 3.99(kindle) It is definitely a steal!
This book was given to me by the author in exchange for a 200+ word review.

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