July 22, 2012

Splash of Sunshine Blog Party

1. What word are you totally loving at the moment?
 Grace. I really  am loving it right now.
2. Any tv shows/movies you are excited for this fall? 
My family has been renting the PBS series Texas Ranch House, Frontier House, etc. I believe we will be getting them late into the year!
3. Anything that symbolizes something to you? 
No, not really.
4. Two favorite songs at the moment?
"I Am Set Free" by All Sons And Daughters and "Close to Your Heart" by The Glorious Unseen
5. If there was suddenly a world taker over by an evil dictator what would you do?
Cry. And then pray a lot for someone to stop the dictator. 
6. What is your favorite summer activity?
I love to swim. My grandparents have a pool, so swimming for me is definitely my favorite!

7. What has been your favorite summer vacation?
Last year my family went to Pt. Angeles, WA. It was such a peaceful trip. They surprised me and my sisters by renting a beach house. We had a great time!

8. If you received an unlimited shopping spree to any store, what store would it be for?
Anthropologie.. And I would buy this: http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/product/clothes-floorskimmers/25332982.jsp#

9. What is your favorite summertime food?
Watermelon. Corn on the cob is a close second.

10. What is your favorite summertime movie? .
I just saw The Amazing Spiderman with my friend. I was pretty skeptical at first, but it ended up being really awesome. Or should I say "amazing."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was never much of a Spiderman lover but a lot of people have said it was really good! I'll have to watch it when it comes on on DVD. :-)