October 24, 2011

Tell Me!

Have you ever been cooking/baking and totally messed something up?! Well, that happened to me a few times last year.

I made 3 batches of Christmas cookies last winter, and the first 2 times I made them, the dough was so weird! It was all clumpy and had quite a few lumps, but I just couldn't put my finger on what I was doing wrong, until my Mother stopped me the third time I made them, and brought to my attention that I didn't cream the butter and sugar. Let me tell you, it's a miracle what butter and sugar can do when creamed. ♥

Have you had any baking or cooking issues? Let me know in a comment! :)


Mary said...

Every time I make donuts, they turn into a million tiny crumbs=/ Donuts is one thing I have never mastered.

Anonymous said...

Sierra! That's terrible! But oatmeal raisin cookies are delicious! (The only way my Mother had ever gotton me to eat raisins, lol!) :)

Mary, maybe it's time to look for a new recipe??? :) Are you sure the recipe you have doesn't have a disclaimer at the bottom (i.e. This donut recipe may act ridiculous and turn into crumbs). ;) You could put "Mastering the Art of Donut Crafting" on your new years resolution list. ;)
