November 20, 2011

Book Review: An Amish Wedding by Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller, & Kelly Long

     This sweet, fun, Amish book is composed of three novellas: "A Perfect Plan" by Beth Wiseman, "The Perfect Match" by Kathleen Fuller, and "The Perfect Secret" by Kelly Long. With three stories of three different couples weaved together effortlessly, this book is a sure win. Priscilla is having numerous problems with her wedding preparations, she wonders if perhaps God is telling her to postpone the wedding. Rose is content with her recent engagement, but only content. Could her fiance be hiding something? Naomi tries to be happy as an "old maid" as her friend calls it, however she is terribly sad that she has not met her special someone yet. Through the tales of trial and triumph, An Amish Wedding shows the live of the Amish, in a way us "Englischers"
     I loved this book. There was such an innocent feel to it. I always enjoy books about the Amish, and this one was great, it made me want to read more! I really enjoyed the use of Pennsylvania Dutch words, and felt like an Amish scholar by the time I finished! As for all things cosmetic, the cover was lovely! It was simple {in a good way} and plain, no pun intended. This book would make a wonderful gift, and I enjoyed it very much!

Libbi H.

This book was given to me by Thomas Nelson Publishers {free} for this review


{Grace} said...
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{Grace} said...

I am going to get that book! It's in my shopping cart at!