January 11, 2012

Book review: Then Sings my soul Book 3 by Roberrt Morgan

      Our faith is known for it's many hymns and songs. In this beautiful book, Robert Morgan shares the stories behind some of the most famous hymns and songs of all time. Music for the hymns is included, which makes the songs much more beautiful to understand. Robert Morgan takes you on a journey through the hymns of the Bible, the hymns of the early church, Medieval hymns, and just about every other kind of hymn you can imagine. With stunning beauty and heart-warming stories, this book is one you will definitely want to add to your reading list this year.

     I loved this book.  The instant I saw the cover I was amazed at how beautiful it was. The pages are the kind that are a bit worn at the edges {my favorite} and the whole book itself looked like a dream. I think this book would be a perfect gift for the worship leader of a church, or anyone who loves music. I loved the story he told at the beginning of the book about whales singing, and all creation singing to God. It sent shivers down my spine. Overall, I completely and totally recommend this book to you, it is definitely worth your time and effort!

THis book was given to me for free from Thomas Nelson publishers in exchange for this review :)

Libbi H.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, I found your blog through booksneeze (I'm also a booksneeze blogger) and I'd love it if you would consider reviewing an eBook I'm releasing at the beginning of next month, "The Matthew 6:33 Piano Teacher, How to teach piano for the glory of God" It's intended for the christian who is currently or thinking about teaching Music lessons. I'm a fairly new author so I'll take all the reviews I can get : ) If you're interested please e-mail lessonsfromivy at gmail dot com.