May 10, 2013

Fiction Friday: When Jesus Wept by Bodie and Brock Thoene

  Israel is on the brink of a rebellion. Rome is trampling God’s people. Chaos is typical. David ben Lazarus is living in this political situation. With a recently deceased wife and son, his heart is shattered, and he does not know if he can ever move forward. When his best friend invites him to go see the new prophet, John the Baptist, Lazarus jumps at the opportunity for a distraction from the sorrow that has been engulfing him. What he see when he arrives to hear John, is something that the world did not even notice. The Son of God has come to earth, and Lazarus is not sure if it is a dream. As the friendship between Jesus and Lazarus grows, so does the uncertainty surrounding the zealots and insurgence. Is this Jewish carpenter really the king of kings?
     I LOVED this book. So, so, so much. As always, Bodie and Brock Thoene have delivered a fantastic, accurate, and poignant novel that draw readers in. I read the AD Chronicles by the Thoenes, and I was ecstatic when I found out that they were beginning a new series. When Jesus Wept did not disappoint. I so enjoyed the first-person narrative, and I learned so much historically in each chapter.
Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone, any age, any time, and any place. If I could rate this book higher than five stars, I would. I would highly recommend that you buy this book, and congratulation to Bodie and Brock on their wonderful novel!

Bodie and Brock’s website:
Read this review on Amazon:When Jesus Wept

Thank to Booksneeze for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for this honest review.

1 comment:

Diane Estrella said...

This book looks like a super read! Thanks for the review.

BTW-I have 5 giveaways going on at my site if you want to stop over and check them out. Have a great weekend!

Diane :)